//// Red Kidney Beans per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Red Kidney Beans per 100g

Rp 9.100

Product Information

Health Benefits of Eating Red Kidney Beans   With their deep red color, cooked red kidney beans can liven up...Read more

Product Information Detail

Health Benefits of Eating Red Kidney Beans


With their deep red color, cooked red kidney beans can liven up a wide range of meals including salads, soups and stews. But did you know that these little legumes can do much more than just that? Packed with protein, soluble (and insoluble) fiber, folate (vitamin B9), magnesium, potassium and a number of other health promoting nutrients, red kidney beans (haricots rouges, red beans, in French) are a true superfood. But what exactly are the health benefits associated with eating red kidney beans? Continue reading to find out.


Health Benefits of Eating Red Kidney Beans


With their deep red color, cooked red kidney beans can liven up a wide range of meals including salads, soups and stews. But did you know that these little legumes can do much more than just that? Packed with protein, soluble (and insoluble) fiber, folate (vitamin B9), magnesium, potassium and a number of other health promoting nutrients, red kidney beans (haricots rouges, red beans, in French) are a true superfood. But what exactly are the health benefits associated with eating red kidney beans? Continue reading to find out.


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