//// Reusable Silicon Ziplock Bag by IB – Alive Wholefoods
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Reusable Silicon Ziplock Bag by IB

Rp 110.000

Product Information

Reusable Silicon Ziplock Bag 1lt Food safe Ideal zip lock silicon bags t use as food containers. reusable ziplock, airtight...Read more

Product Information Detail

Reusable Silicon Ziplock Bag 1lt
Food safe

  • Ideal zip lock silicon bags t use as food containers.
    reusable ziplock, airtight bags to keep your fruits and vegetable fresh in the frigde! Easy store for meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits.
  • Leakproof bags. Store all kinds or solids and liquids without spilling: soups, smoothies or marinades.
  • Made with FDA-approved Food-Grade Silicone
  • Versatile cooking aid in the kitchen. Freezer save, microwave, and dishwasher save.
  • These reusable silicone zip bags are easy ti use, can be easily stored in any drawe

    Eco friendly, safe the planet, 100% sustainable


Reusable Silicon Ziplock Bag 1lt
Food safe

  • Ideal zip lock silicon bags t use as food containers.
    reusable ziplock, airtight bags to keep your fruits and vegetable fresh in the frigde! Easy store for meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits.
  • Leakproof bags. Store all kinds or solids and liquids without spilling: soups, smoothies or marinades.
  • Made with FDA-approved Food-Grade Silicone
  • Versatile cooking aid in the kitchen. Freezer save, microwave, and dishwasher save.
  • These reusable silicone zip bags are easy ti use, can be easily stored in any drawe

    Eco friendly, safe the planet, 100% sustainable


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