//// Roasted Buckwheat Groats per 500g – Alive Wholefoods
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Roasted Buckwheat Groats per 500g

Rp 59.000

Product Information

‘Buckwheat’- this name might suggest that it is a type of cereal similar to wheat. But buckwheat has no connection...Read more

Product Information Detail

‘Buckwheat’- this name might suggest that it is a type of cereal similar to wheat. But buckwheat has no connection with wheat whatsoever. In fact, it is a fruit seed that is closely related to rhubarb, sorrel and knot weed. These grain-like seeds have a unique triangular shape and have the same size as wheat kernels.
the seeds are rich in protein and fiber as well as a variety of antioxidants and other nutrients which leads many people to consider buckwheat as superfood

It is a suitable replacement to wheat for those with gluten sensitivities and is great roasted, in salads and as a rice replacement, or in porringers & pancakes :)

  • Glutten free
  • Superfood
  • Vegan
  • Ancient Grain
  • Healthier alternative rice/brown rice/quinoa
  • Hearty hulled seed

‘Buckwheat’- this name might suggest that it is a type of cereal similar to wheat. But buckwheat has no connection with wheat whatsoever. In fact, it is a fruit seed that is closely related to rhubarb, sorrel and knot weed. These grain-like seeds have a unique triangular shape and have the same size as wheat kernels.
the seeds are rich in protein and fiber as well as a variety of antioxidants and other nutrients which leads many people to consider buckwheat as superfood

It is a suitable replacement to wheat for those with gluten sensitivities and is great roasted, in salads and as a rice replacement, or in porringers & pancakes :)

  • Glutten free
  • Superfood
  • Vegan
  • Ancient Grain
  • Healthier alternative rice/brown rice/quinoa
  • Hearty hulled seed


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