//// Rx-Fiberific by Nature’s Plus 120Caps – Alive Wholefoods
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Rx-Fiberific by Nature's Plus 120Caps

Rp 539.000

Product Information

INDICATION  Psyllium seed husk, Cellulose & Hemicellulase are useful as the best colon cleansers, preventing constipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer,...Read more

Product Information Detail



  • Psyllium seed husk, Cellulose & Hemicellulase are useful as the best colon cleansers, preventing constipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer, and filling for longer. Psyllium seed husk helps lower total cholesterol up to 15% and LDL to 20%. Cellulose helps normalize blood sugar levels (prevent diabetes mellitus).
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum is useful as a substitute for lactase enzymes to digest lactose (milk sugar).
  • Amylase is an enzyme found in saliva, Maltase is an enzyme that digests maltose / glucose.
  • Bromelain & Papain is an enzyme that digests proteins.
  • Sacchromyces to prevent diarrhea & protect digestion from bacteria.
  • Ginger improves digestive function, cleans the intestines, reduces bloating / gastritis & increases metabolism (BMR).



  • Psyllium seed husk, Cellulose & Hemicellulase are useful as the best colon cleansers, preventing constipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer, and filling for longer. Psyllium seed husk helps lower total cholesterol up to 15% and LDL to 20%. Cellulose helps normalize blood sugar levels (prevent diabetes mellitus).
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum is useful as a substitute for lactase enzymes to digest lactose (milk sugar).
  • Amylase is an enzyme found in saliva, Maltase is an enzyme that digests maltose / glucose.
  • Bromelain & Papain is an enzyme that digests proteins.
  • Sacchromyces to prevent diarrhea & protect digestion from bacteria.
  • Ginger improves digestive function, cleans the intestines, reduces bloating / gastritis & increases metabolism (BMR).


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