//// Salted Butter, Grassfed 227g – Alive Wholefoods
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Salted Butter, Grassfed 227g

Rp 43.000

Product Information

Madein beautiful NZ by healthy grassfed cows!Anchor Salted Butter is a great all-purpose butter that tastes great on its own...Read more

Product Information Detail

Madein beautiful NZ by healthy grassfed cows!

Anchor Salted Butter is a great all-purpose butter that tastes great on its own spread on a warm piece of bread, but also has a flavor that will elevate all of your favorite dishes.

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Madein beautiful NZ by healthy grassfed cows!

Anchor Salted Butter is a great all-purpose butter that tastes great on its own spread on a warm piece of bread, but also has a flavor that will elevate all of your favorite dishes.


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