//// Smoked Tofu by ASI 183g – Alive Wholefoods

Smoked Tofu by ASI 183g

Rp 32.000

Product Information

Our NEW smoked tofu is made from Non-GMO soy beans and nigari. This product is made locally from a well...Read more

Product Information Detail

Our NEW smoked tofu is made from Non-GMO soy beans and nigari. This product is made locally from a well known Japanese chef on the Island.

Containing no preservatives, artificial coloring or flavorings.

Store this one in the refrigerator and consume within 2 months!


Our NEW smoked tofu is made from Non-GMO soy beans and nigari. This product is made locally from a well known Japanese chef on the Island.

Containing no preservatives, artificial coloring or flavorings.

Store this one in the refrigerator and consume within 2 months!


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