//// SoyaCheese Vegan Cheddar 150g – Alive Wholefoods
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SoyaCheese Vegan Cheddar 150g

Rp 65.000

Product Information

SoyaCheese Vegan Cheddar 150g somoked sliced Ingredients: Organic Non GMO soybean, water, coconut oil, tapioca starch, organic rice, natural kapa...Read more

Product Information Detail

SoyaCheese Vegan Cheddar 150g

  • somoked
  • sliced

Ingredients: Organic Non GMO soybean, water, coconut oil, tapioca starch, organic rice, natural kapa caragenan, himalayan pink salt, natural nutritional yeast, miso, natural anatto, culture smoked flavour is with natural liquid smoked added

Storage suggestion: After opening the packaging, please put the vegan cheese inside an air tight container and finish the product within 3 days



SoyaCheese Vegan Cheddar 150g

  • somoked
  • sliced

Ingredients: Organic Non GMO soybean, water, coconut oil, tapioca starch, organic rice, natural kapa caragenan, himalayan pink salt, natural nutritional yeast, miso, natural anatto, culture smoked flavour is with natural liquid smoked added

Storage suggestion: After opening the packaging, please put the vegan cheese inside an air tight container and finish the product within 3 days



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