//// Sparkeling Kefir, Ginger by Alive 250ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Sparkeling Kefir, Ginger by Alive 250ml

Rp 30.000

Product Information

Water Kefir is a great soda alternative with an amazing probiotic kick! SO good for you! We love our Alive...Read more

Product Information Detail

Water Kefir is a great soda alternative with an amazing probiotic kick! SO good for you!

We love our Alive Water Kefir.... refreshing fizzyness with gut replenishment at the same time!! We have perfected 3 flavours, all made with our yummy organic fruits (more flavours coming).

DIRECTIONS: Best served chilled on ice! Keep in fridge, can last for weeks :)



Water Kefir is a great soda alternative with an amazing probiotic kick! SO good for you!

We love our Alive Water Kefir.... refreshing fizzyness with gut replenishment at the same time!! We have perfected 3 flavours, all made with our yummy organic fruits (more flavours coming).

DIRECTIONS: Best served chilled on ice! Keep in fridge, can last for weeks :)



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