//// Sumac Powder 50 Gram – Alive Wholefoods
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Sumac Powder 50 Gram

Rp 12.150

Product Information

Sumac is a tangy , Lemony spice often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking. try usng it in salads...Read more

Product Information Detail

Sumac is a tangy , Lemony spice often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking. try usng it in salads instead of lemon juice or to season grill meat and fish . it also delicious sprinkled over hummus. Nutritionally its high in Vitamins C and rich content of polyphenols and flavonoids .






Sumac is a tangy , Lemony spice often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking. try usng it in salads instead of lemon juice or to season grill meat and fish . it also delicious sprinkled over hummus. Nutritionally its high in Vitamins C and rich content of polyphenols and flavonoids .






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