//// Timmy Curved Bottle Brush Ibu Bumi – Alive Wholefoods
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Timmy Curved Bottle Brush Ibu Bumi

Rp 55.000

Product Information

How handsome is Timmy Tupai the Bottle Brush!! ? Out to join the “in-sink” gang to help you clean all...Read more

Product Information Detail

How handsome is Timmy Tupai the Bottle Brush!! ? Out to join the “in-sink” gang to help you clean all those bottles naturally. Curled tip top for precision cleaning around the bottom of your bottle. Totally natural coconut husk, the bristles are also naturally antibacterial, free from toxic chemicals, recyclable and biodegradable. Guilt free cleaning, free from plastic!! *limited supply


How handsome is Timmy Tupai the Bottle Brush!! ? Out to join the “in-sink” gang to help you clean all those bottles naturally. Curled tip top for precision cleaning around the bottom of your bottle. Totally natural coconut husk, the bristles are also naturally antibacterial, free from toxic chemicals, recyclable and biodegradable. Guilt free cleaning, free from plastic!! *limited supply


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