//// Tomato Noodle 76g by Ladang Lima – Alive Wholefoods
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Tomato Noodle 76g by Ladang Lima

Rp 15.000

Product Information

Egg Free, Source of fiber, Low fat, No preservative, No Artificial coloring, No MSGVeggie Noodle Ladang Lima naturally coloring by...Read more

Product Information Detail

Egg Free, Source of fiber, Low fat, No preservative, No Artificial coloring, No MSG

Veggie Noodle Ladang Lima naturally coloring by fresh vegetable, combine with natural nutrition from cassava flour without added chemical makes the noodles deliciously healthy

 Tomato is one of vegetable which good sorce of vitamins A, C, K and potassium.
Juicy and sweet inside


Egg Free, Source of fiber, Low fat, No preservative, No Artificial coloring, No MSG

Veggie Noodle Ladang Lima naturally coloring by fresh vegetable, combine with natural nutrition from cassava flour without added chemical makes the noodles deliciously healthy

 Tomato is one of vegetable which good sorce of vitamins A, C, K and potassium.
Juicy and sweet inside


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