//// V-SOY Low Sugar 1lt – Alive Wholefoods
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V-SOY Low Sugar 1lt

Rp 32.000

Product Information

V-Soy Low Sugar soya bean milk is made from Non-GMO Canadian whole soybeans. Perfect for health-and-sugar conscious consumers with only...Read more

Product Information Detail

V-Soy Low Sugar soya bean milk is made from Non-GMO Canadian whole soybeans. Perfect for health-and-sugar conscious consumers with only 2% total sugar but rich in nutrition and is lactose-free. You can enjoy it straight from the pack or blend it with your coffee.

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V-Soy Low Sugar soya bean milk is made from Non-GMO Canadian whole soybeans. Perfect for health-and-sugar conscious consumers with only 2% total sugar but rich in nutrition and is lactose-free. You can enjoy it straight from the pack or blend it with your coffee.


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