//// Vanilla Bean Paste by La Dame 25ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Vanilla Bean Paste by La Dame 25ml

Rp 70.000

Product Information

Crafted for those who love vanilla in bold flavor, La Dame in Vanilla Paste is a perfect choice as it’s...Read more

Product Information Detail

Crafted for those who love vanilla in bold flavor, La Dame in Vanilla Paste is a perfect choice as it’s a perfect blend between halal vanilla extract along with Indoesian grown vanilla bean in a very generous amount. 
1 tsp non alcoholic vanilla paste = 1 whole vanilla bean


Crafted for those who love vanilla in bold flavor, La Dame in Vanilla Paste is a perfect choice as it’s a perfect blend between halal vanilla extract along with Indoesian grown vanilla bean in a very generous amount. 
1 tsp non alcoholic vanilla paste = 1 whole vanilla bean


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