//// Vegan Basil Pesto 250ml – Alive Wholefoods
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Vegan Basil Pesto 250ml

Rp 65.000

Product Information

Home made Vegan Basil Pesto 250ml by AWS Made with love in our Alive Kitchen! Ingredients: *Basil, Walnuts, *Garlic, Olive...Read more

Product Information Detail

Home made Vegan Basil Pesto 250ml by AWS

Made with love in our Alive Kitchen!

*Basil, Walnuts, *Garlic, Olive Oil, Nutritional Yeast, Himalayan Salt, *Lemon



Home made Vegan Basil Pesto 250ml by AWS

Made with love in our Alive Kitchen!

*Basil, Walnuts, *Garlic, Olive Oil, Nutritional Yeast, Himalayan Salt, *Lemon



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