//// Wholemeal Flour per 100gr – Alive Wholefoods
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Wholemeal Flour per 100gr

Rp 5.500

Product Information

Wholemeal Wheat Flour Whole wheat flour is obtained by grinding the entire wheat kernel. Nothing is removed from the wheat...Read more

Product Information Detail

Wholemeal Wheat Flour

Whole wheat flour is obtained by grinding the entire wheat kernel. Nothing is removed from the wheat and the final product thus obtained has a grainy texture with all the nutrients intact. It is relatively healthier as compared to regular wheat flour.

On the other hand, regular wheat flour is derived by grinding the wheat kernel after the bran and germ are extracted. This only leaves the endosperm as the major constituent of regular wheat flour, that is devoid of major nutrients such as fibre and essential proteins that are found in whole wheat flour.


Wholemeal Wheat Flour

Whole wheat flour is obtained by grinding the entire wheat kernel. Nothing is removed from the wheat and the final product thus obtained has a grainy texture with all the nutrients intact. It is relatively healthier as compared to regular wheat flour.

On the other hand, regular wheat flour is derived by grinding the wheat kernel after the bran and germ are extracted. This only leaves the endosperm as the major constituent of regular wheat flour, that is devoid of major nutrients such as fibre and essential proteins that are found in whole wheat flour.


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