//// Take Three Steps Forward with Alive Wholefoods – Alive Wholefoods
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Take Three Steps Forward with Alive Wholefoods

Take Three Steps Forward with Alive Wholefoods

Attention All Conscious Shoppers!! We thought we’d give a shout-out to all our awesome customers who support us and our eco-friendly principles, as well as give you an update on future plans to nurture & protect our beautiful community and foster a proactive approach. Here  at ALIVE Wholefoods grocery store in Bali, we make a concerted effort to reduce our environmental impact and by virtue, if you shop with us, you’re already contributing to the community and environment in a positive way. Check out what we are doing below:

The Alive Team in an education session with Eco Bali recycling.


Sustainable Partnerships — As a small, family run business we prefer to partner with socially responsible and ethical suppliers, such as our local organic family farms because our partnership adds investment back into the Indonesian community and local economy, and they have a deep-rooted connection with nature. Studies have shown that modern factory farms cause almost irreparable damage to the land, stripping the soil of essential minerals, negatively impacting wildlife, and changing the natural landscape. These big conglomerates require long-haul transportation chains because local suppliers can’t service their enormous output, which in turn, effects the freshness of the produce and the pollution emissions endanger the health of the community and environment. If this interests you, stay tuned because our next blog will feature a recent visit to our organic produce supplier’s family farm in the north of Bali…which was like a little slice of heaven.

One of the wonderful things about ALIVE Wholefoods, is we get to work with some amazing brands and people. Check out the coffee & chocolates provided by an agricultural project in the Western part of Bali, and led by environmental think-tank Su-re.co and they are doing incredible work with biogas and farmer re-education. Some of our other eco product partners: Eco Bali, Bali Highlands Organik, Putu Arjan Family Farms, Bottles for Earth, Made’s Banana Flour Bakery, Aluan Virgin Coconut Oil, Beehave Beeswax Wraps...just to name a few.


Go Organic, Local & Seasonal — All the produce at ALIVE is organic and or locally sourced – which research has shown is better for the environment because it consumes less energy and emits less greenhouse gases. Every cultivated hectare absorbs 1.5 tonnes of CO2! We also ensure the produce is free from harmful pesticides, as well as fresh and nutritious. We are an eco and health conscious family-owned establishment, and the products in our store reflect how we shop for ourselves. Our customers can shop with confidence, knowing that our products are carefully curated to ensure everything is safe and beneficial.
At ALIVE we find that our customers appreciate seasonal produce, because it costs less, it’s better for your system and it tastes better! Eating seasonally is optimal for the environment because it requires less energy, doesn’t require artificial conditions and is not subjected to chemical treatments.

If You Are Eating Meat, Know the Source — We also provide dairy and meat products from sustainably raised animals, as free range and organic as possible! Buying these products supports free range farming and the most natural comfortable environments as possible for the animals. Moreover, organic livestock produces fewer emissions due to diet and a reduced number of animals per farm. This practice helps to reduce the damaging effects from long-haul transportation and carbon emissions, where factory farms compromise on animal health and welfare in exchange for efficiency and profit; they are horribly mistreated and pumped full of antibiotics and chemicals to keep them alive until processing for consumption! Just not nice!

Sustainable Packaging & Jar Exchange– As many of us know, product packaging has a significant environmental impact and often contains chemicals that can potentially leak into the food itself. We use paper cups & tubs instead of plastic where possible and wrap our fresh produce in banana leaves. Some of our partners are using sustainable packaging such as recycled paper boxes and recycled jars and reusable wraps.
We have our sights set on providing bulk goods in the near future, further reducing the need for unnecessary and harmful packaging…so stay tuned!
Don’t forget! We offer a 3k discount off your bill for every ALIVE jar or bottle you return to us!

Manage that Waste – It is SO important to separate our waste. If the organic waste matter is thrown out and mixed with the non-organics, none of the waste can be recycled. At ALIVE, we use a system from Eco Bali Recycling to separate and collect the waste. We also compost! To find out how you can create your own compost heap we will be scheduling a workshop for our interested customers next month.

Giving Back — We love to support local causes and give back to the beautiful community on this special island. Rumah Harapan Children’s hospital in Denpasar is one of the wonderful organizations we have chosen to support. As well as donating unused stock, we also have a rotation of 10 products in store with a blue sticker where purchase ensures 10% goes directly to RH. Trust us, they need all the help they can get!
We also support Ibu-Ibu which is a Bali street moms & kids project offering training and support to the less fortunate mothers here in Bali. Our store manager G is currently mentoring the Ibu-Ibu project.
And, of course we couldn’t skip past helping the lovable doggies in our area with sterilization fundraisers and yummy treats from time to time.

Say NO to Plastic and Single Use — At ALIVE we don’t use plastic bags, instead we use a biodegradable option or paper bags, and encourage customers to bring their own. If you don’t have your own you can purchase one of our ALIVE bags for 10k. We also offer a range of eco and sustainable products such as water bottles and bamboo straws to make it easy for you to join the revolution.

Every little bit adds up. Thanks for reading and we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to let us know how we can improve and make your experience better.
If you’re interested in finding out more information about store discounts or news, sling us your email via the website and we’ll get in touch asap.
We look forward to seeing you at ALIVE Wholefoods very soon!


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