//// Ground Cumin per 50g – Alive Wholefoods
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Ground Cumin per 50g

Rp 12.000

Product Information

Love Cumin? Taste it in our yummy homemade Pumpkin Cumin Dip! Or simply buy the spice alone.... Cumin is an herb...Read more

Product Information Detail

Love Cumin? Taste it in our yummy homemade Pumpkin Cumin Dip! Or simply buy the spice alone....


Cumin is an herb that many associate with Mexican and Spanish foods, but it is also widely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking. It has a very distinct flavor, and in the US is most often used in taco seasonings...


Love Cumin? Taste it in our yummy homemade Pumpkin Cumin Dip! Or simply buy the spice alone....


Cumin is an herb that many associate with Mexican and Spanish foods, but it is also widely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking. It has a very distinct flavor, and in the US is most often used in taco seasonings...


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