//// Life Space Probiotic 60 Caps – Alive Wholefoods
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Life Space Probiotic 60 Caps

Rp 549.000

Product Information

Scientifically formulated with 15 different strains of premium quality beneficial bacteria, Life-Space probiotics encourage good bacterial diversity to support optimal...Read more

Product Information Detail

Scientifically formulated with 15 different strains of premium quality beneficial bacteria, Life-Space probiotics encourage good bacterial diversity to support optimal health and wellbeing.
Health benefits may include:
- Helps to restore beneficial bacteria that may have been disrupted by antibiotics.
- Supports normal, healthy bowel movements.
- Assists with the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
- Supports a healthy immune system.
Ingrediants :
Each vege-capsule contains 32 billion beneficial bacteria:
L. rhamnosus Lr32 - 6.0 Billion
B. lactis Bl04 - 5.1 Billion
L. paracasei Lpc37 - 4.5 Billion
L. plantarum Lp115 - 4.2 Billion
L. rhamnosus GG - 4.0 Billion
L. salivarius ssp. salivarius Ls33 - 1.7 Billion
S. thermophilus St21 - 1.6 Million
L. rhamnosus HN001 - 1.0 Billion
B. animalis ssp. lactis HN019 - 1.0 Million
B. breve Bb03 - 850.0 Million
B. longum Bl05 - 765.0 Million
L. gasseri Lg36 - 500.0 Million
B. infantis Bi26 - 300.0 Million
L. delbrueckii sp. bulgaricus Lb64 - 300.0 Million
L. reuteri 1e1 - 300.0 MillionL. = Lactobacillus B. = Bifidobacterium S. = Streptococcus

Scientifically formulated with 15 different strains of premium quality beneficial bacteria, Life-Space probiotics encourage good bacterial diversity to support optimal health and wellbeing.
Health benefits may include:
- Helps to restore beneficial bacteria that may have been disrupted by antibiotics.
- Supports normal, healthy bowel movements.
- Assists with the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
- Supports a healthy immune system.
Ingrediants :
Each vege-capsule contains 32 billion beneficial bacteria:
L. rhamnosus Lr32 - 6.0 Billion
B. lactis Bl04 - 5.1 Billion
L. paracasei Lpc37 - 4.5 Billion
L. plantarum Lp115 - 4.2 Billion
L. rhamnosus GG - 4.0 Billion
L. salivarius ssp. salivarius Ls33 - 1.7 Billion
S. thermophilus St21 - 1.6 Million
L. rhamnosus HN001 - 1.0 Billion
B. animalis ssp. lactis HN019 - 1.0 Million
B. breve Bb03 - 850.0 Million
B. longum Bl05 - 765.0 Million
L. gasseri Lg36 - 500.0 Million
B. infantis Bi26 - 300.0 Million
L. delbrueckii sp. bulgaricus Lb64 - 300.0 Million
L. reuteri 1e1 - 300.0 MillionL. = Lactobacillus B. = Bifidobacterium S. = Streptococcus


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