//// Fitmee Konjac Noodle – Alive Wholefoods
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Fitmee Konjac Noodle

Rp 20.000

Product Information

WHAT IS FITMEE ? Fitmee is the first instant noodle to use konjac as the basic ingredients. That makes Fitmee...Read more

Product Information Detail


Fitmee is the first instant noodle to use konjac as the basic ingredients. That makes Fitmee become cholesterol free, low sugar and high in fiber. This noodle can be used as a substitute for daily food or the choice for a healthier instant noodle.

It is commonly found in China, Japan,and Indonesia. Konnyaku also have been used as food and medicine for over 1500 years

Fitmee was created to meet the needs of a healthy lifestyle that continues to grow in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. With konnyaku as the basic ingredients, Fitmee comes with low calories where 7 pack of Fitmee equivalent to 1 pack regular instant noodle

Fitmee has two flavors which is Goreng Korea and Soto with the additional of two new flavours Carbonara and Ayam Bawang

No cholesterol
Non - GMO
Low sugar
Fat free
Rich in fiber
Almost zero calorie
Healthier option Good for meal substitute
Rich in taste



Fitmee is the first instant noodle to use konjac as the basic ingredients. That makes Fitmee become cholesterol free, low sugar and high in fiber. This noodle can be used as a substitute for daily food or the choice for a healthier instant noodle.

It is commonly found in China, Japan,and Indonesia. Konnyaku also have been used as food and medicine for over 1500 years

Fitmee was created to meet the needs of a healthy lifestyle that continues to grow in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. With konnyaku as the basic ingredients, Fitmee comes with low calories where 7 pack of Fitmee equivalent to 1 pack regular instant noodle

Fitmee has two flavors which is Goreng Korea and Soto with the additional of two new flavours Carbonara and Ayam Bawang

No cholesterol
Non - GMO
Low sugar
Fat free
Rich in fiber
Almost zero calorie
Healthier option Good for meal substitute
Rich in taste


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