//// Let’s talk Mum-life with Alive Wholefood Store owner Naomi – Alive Wholefoods
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Let’s talk Mum-life with Alive Wholefood Store owner Naomi

Let’s talk Mum-life with Alive Wholefood Store owner Naomi

Australian Mothers Day is just around the corner so we decided to have a little chat about all things Mum-life with our own Aussie Boss-Mama and Alive Wholefood Store owner Naomi. 

For those who don’t know you personally, please tell us a little bit about yourself! 

Hellooo! Ok well I am the co-owner/director of Alive Wholefoods with my partner Billy, and 40 year old (and proud) Mumma of 2 boys! Mum to our 4yr old Jett and Step-”other” to 13yr old Kingston. Challenging and rewarding, no day is the same and they definitely keep me on my toes. Along with their Papa (who is awesome, and couldn’t do without!) we have been living the Island life here in Bali together almost 10yrs. In a nutshell, I’m a lifelong health freak and ex-fitness instructor, Personal Trainer, and ex-professional dancer/ choreographer/show director. 

How hands on are you in your Boss-babe role at Alive Wholefoods? 

I wear many hats in the store, directing everything from the store look and feel, stock control and purchasing, to recipe and product development, product sourcing, networking, merchandising and basically just constantly trying to figure out how we can pack more of all the good sh!t into our stores for you all. I am “trying” to let go of micromanaging ;). 


Naomi and Billy with their two boys in Bali 

What does Mum-life look like for you in Bali? 

Here in Bali we have an incredible network of like-minded, non-conventional Mummas (and Papas!) in our community to parent with.  I am very grateful for the support network we have here in Canggu, it really does take a Village. That includes help at home and with the kids from our lovely part-time cleaner/nanny Kadek who truly is a family member to us.

Do you think Mum-life would have looked different back in Australia? 

Oh hell yeah! Looking back, there is no way I could have run a business like Alive in those baby years if we had been in Aus. Kudos to those Boss-Mamas raising babies and businesses who maybe don’t have as much support. I am very grateful for Bali in that way!


Naomi with her gorgeous Son 

Biggest challenge being a working Mama? 

Oh, #Mumguilt. I have had massive Mum guilt over the years but I am feeling in a much better place now after learning to lower my standards (professionally and at home) and not just run with every idea I have. 

Something I have found really helps me and my mindset is a quick 5 minutes journal in the evenings before bed. I list 5 competent things I did as a Mum that day. It really puts things into perspective. On a personal level I’ve learnt a lot about myself since becoming a Mum. It’s the hardest gig I have ever had, but nothing is better than the feeling of seeing your kids thrive, develop and grow into great mini humans. 

How do you do “The Juggle” and can mums really do it all? I have learnt the hard way, no we can’t do it all…. But we can definitely do most of it hehe (IYKYK). Outsourcing and asking for help doesn’t mean you are failing! If you are in the position to be able to outsource some tasks – especially if that means you get more quality time to connect with your kiddies, definitely do it. 


Bali life

How do you prioritize self care and what does it mean to you?

Naturally I have much less time since being a Mum to dedicate to self development and self care, but I am more patient and more aware of my strengths and abilities than ever. I’m getting much better at scheduling in time to fill up my cup. For me this looks like getting in two dance or pilates classes a week, and I have started to paint….

I also try to wake up early in the mornings (when they boys or chickens don’t beat me to it) to sit quietly & breathe. I will light a Balé Natural Candle and attempt meditating (which for me usually just ends up as a stretch session). Then I dry brush and I take a cold shower and then get into my day. It’s an extra 20mins but it’s worth it. When I’m getting the kids ready I drink my favorite Ming Herbs teas before my coffee, to me it feels like just that extra little bit of calm in the storm ;).

Something else I make sure to do daily that really affects how I feel overall is prioritizing my gut health. This can really affect my mental state of mind, so I make sure I’m always thinking about how I can support this through pre and probiotics, herbs, how I eat, when I eat and also avoiding alcohol and late nights. I still don’t know how I used to drink and misbehave like I used to.

Your favorite memory of your Mum growing up or what you most remember about her from childhood, OR something you appreciate about her now as a mum yourself that you didn’t growing up.  

Oh wow – as soon as I became a Mum my love for my own mum (thank you Ruth) deepened so much. Women rock! We grow humans and organize everyone at the same time. I will always be grateful for mum being a healthy freak and instilling that in me as an everyday part of life. And I will also never forget her love for plants, animals ….and sewing! I hope my kids also learn these traits, nature and self sufficiency is so grounding. Especially in our current technology driven modern world…

Thanks for chatting to us so honestly about Mum-life in Bali! As Mothers Day is this weekend, do you have some advice for those looking to spoil someone special in their life?

YES! My top 5 picks would be:

Naomis Top 5 for Mothers Day

1 A home cooked meal (that she didn’t cook or have to shop for!). Check out our RECIPES section for lots of yummy inspo including this delicious Summer Grain Salad

2 Alive Wholefood Store Raw Vegan heart choccies

3 Jika sampler origin packs (with some flowers!)

4 Divine face oil

5 Bentonite clay mask




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