//// Dried Goji Berries per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Dried Goji Berries per 100g

Rp 39.000

Product Information

Goji Berries have been used in traditional chinese medicine for over 2,000 years.   Some Legends report that Goji berries...Read more

Product Information Detail

Goji Berries have been used in traditional chinese medicine for over 2,000 years.


Some Legends report that Goji berries were eaten by the monks in the Himalayan mountains thousands of years ago adn steeped in hot water to help aid meditation traditionally, they've also been used to fight depression and anxiaty or other mood disorders.



Goji Berry Benefits include the ability to naturally treat Diabetes, Hypertension, Infectious Diseases, and common illnesses like the cold or fever. They are great source of antixiodants and vitamin C. PLus other Phytonutrients that help protect skin and eye health. As they help Balance triglycerides. They're also shown to prevent heart diease.




Goji Berries have been used in traditional chinese medicine for over 2,000 years.


Some Legends report that Goji berries were eaten by the monks in the Himalayan mountains thousands of years ago adn steeped in hot water to help aid meditation traditionally, they've also been used to fight depression and anxiaty or other mood disorders.



Goji Berry Benefits include the ability to naturally treat Diabetes, Hypertension, Infectious Diseases, and common illnesses like the cold or fever. They are great source of antixiodants and vitamin C. PLus other Phytonutrients that help protect skin and eye health. As they help Balance triglycerides. They're also shown to prevent heart diease.




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