//// Pineneedle Tea per 10g – Alive Wholefoods
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Pineneedle Tea per 10g

Rp 15.500

Product Information

PINENEEDLE TEA - Not only is it pleasant smelling, It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of...Read more

Product Information Detail

PINENEEDLE TEA - Not only is it pleasant smelling, It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of vitamin C found in lemons) and can bring relief to conditions such as heart disease, varicose veins, skin complaints and fatigue. Even more relevant now is Vitamin C is also an immune system booster which means that pine needle tea can help to fight illness and infections. It can be used as an expectorant for coughs and to help relieve chest congestion; it is also good for sore throats.
Pine needle tea also contains high levels of Vitamin A, which is good for your eyesight, improves hair and skin regeneration and improves red blood cell production.


PINENEEDLE TEA - Not only is it pleasant smelling, It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of vitamin C found in lemons) and can bring relief to conditions such as heart disease, varicose veins, skin complaints and fatigue. Even more relevant now is Vitamin C is also an immune system booster which means that pine needle tea can help to fight illness and infections. It can be used as an expectorant for coughs and to help relieve chest congestion; it is also good for sore throats.
Pine needle tea also contains high levels of Vitamin A, which is good for your eyesight, improves hair and skin regeneration and improves red blood cell production.


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