//// Vanilla Bean per gram – Alive Wholefoods
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Vanilla Bean per gram

Rp 6.900

Product Information

Hand-selected for their premium quality, Indonesian Vanilla Beans are moist, flavorful and aromatic. The rich, classic vanilla flavor is found in...Read more

Product Information Detail

Hand-selected for their premium quality, Indonesian Vanilla Beans are moist, flavorful and aromatic.


The rich, classic vanilla flavor is found in both the bean and the seeds.

The vanilla seeds add gourmet visual delight to a variety of cooking and baking applications.


Hand-selected for their premium quality, Indonesian Vanilla Beans are moist, flavorful and aromatic.


The rich, classic vanilla flavor is found in both the bean and the seeds.

The vanilla seeds add gourmet visual delight to a variety of cooking and baking applications.


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