//// White Turmeric Capsules 50 VCaps – Alive Wholefoods
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White Turmeric Capsules 50 VCaps

Rp 105.000

Product Information

White Tumeric Benefit Antibacterial and antifungal Turmeric is believed to reduce the amount of microbes in the mouth with the...Read more

Product Information Detail

White Tumeric Benefit

  • Antibacterial and antifungal Turmeric is believed to reduce the amount of microbes in the mouth with the same results with mouthwash products on the market. In addition, extracts from white turmeric are also believed to inhibit fungal activity in the human body.
  • Antinyeri medicine White turmeric was also believed to be used as an analgesic or medicine to relieve pain. However, this analgesic effect depends on how many doses you use.
  • Ulcer medicine Flour from the root of white turmeric is believed to reduce the amount and acidity of the stomach fluid so it can be used as a tukak medicine. These benefits still require clinical research in humans.
  • Anti-toxic White turmeric extract can also be an antidote or a snake bidder. This can happen because white turmeric can inhibit the activity of snake venom.
  • Anti-inflammatory This plant is also believed to be used as an anti-inflammatory drug (inflammation or swelling).
  • Anti-cancer White turmeric is believed to play an important role in the inhibition of cancer metastases or the spread of cancer from an organ to other organs. But, its effectiveness to overcome cancer still requires further research.
  • Antioxidants Essential oils of white turmeric are believed to reduce the impact of certain free radicals.
    White turmeric is also believed to be beneficial for the treatment of symptoms of arthritis, asthma, anti-rheumatism, and diuretic medications.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels. Eating white turmeric is believed to lower blood sugar levels. However, both still need medical research to prove it.
  • Drugs for women In fact, white turmeric is also suspected to treat female complaints, such as leucorrhea, relieve pain during menstruation, and menstruation expedite. However, this has not been medically proven and still needs further research.

White Tumeric Benefit

  • Antibacterial and antifungal Turmeric is believed to reduce the amount of microbes in the mouth with the same results with mouthwash products on the market. In addition, extracts from white turmeric are also believed to inhibit fungal activity in the human body.
  • Antinyeri medicine White turmeric was also believed to be used as an analgesic or medicine to relieve pain. However, this analgesic effect depends on how many doses you use.
  • Ulcer medicine Flour from the root of white turmeric is believed to reduce the amount and acidity of the stomach fluid so it can be used as a tukak medicine. These benefits still require clinical research in humans.
  • Anti-toxic White turmeric extract can also be an antidote or a snake bidder. This can happen because white turmeric can inhibit the activity of snake venom.
  • Anti-inflammatory This plant is also believed to be used as an anti-inflammatory drug (inflammation or swelling).
  • Anti-cancer White turmeric is believed to play an important role in the inhibition of cancer metastases or the spread of cancer from an organ to other organs. But, its effectiveness to overcome cancer still requires further research.
  • Antioxidants Essential oils of white turmeric are believed to reduce the impact of certain free radicals.
    White turmeric is also believed to be beneficial for the treatment of symptoms of arthritis, asthma, anti-rheumatism, and diuretic medications.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels. Eating white turmeric is believed to lower blood sugar levels. However, both still need medical research to prove it.
  • Drugs for women In fact, white turmeric is also suspected to treat female complaints, such as leucorrhea, relieve pain during menstruation, and menstruation expedite. However, this has not been medically proven and still needs further research.


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