//// Ground Nutmeg 50g – Alive Wholefoods
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Ground Nutmeg 50g

Rp 11.500

Product Information

Nutmeg The sweet, earthy, piney flavor of nutmeg is called for in both sweet and savory dishes in cuisines worldwide....Read more

Product Information Detail

Nutmeg The sweet, earthy, piney flavor of nutmeg is called for in both sweet and savory dishes in cuisines worldwide. This fragrant ground nutmeg can be added to cream sauces, squash or root vegetable dishes, stewed greens, fruit pies, or as a fragrant garnish for hot beverages.


Nutmeg The sweet, earthy, piney flavor of nutmeg is called for in both sweet and savory dishes in cuisines worldwide. This fragrant ground nutmeg can be added to cream sauces, squash or root vegetable dishes, stewed greens, fruit pies, or as a fragrant garnish for hot beverages.


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