//// Mineral Rock Salt per 100g – Alive Wholefoods
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Mineral Rock Salt per 100g

Rp 11.000

Product Information

"ORIGEN - CENTRAL JAVA Pure, local, and a marvel of Indonesia that is a sustainable replacement (beside the color), in...Read more

Product Information Detail

Pure, local, and a marvel of Indonesia that is a sustainable replacement (beside the color), in any use to Himalayan Salt. Has a high mineral content and is supporting local farmers!
This unique volcanic sea salt, crystalised in huge naturally formed salt mines millions of years ago, is harvested in rice fields with bamboo after it has travelled through a Volcanic mountain and down the rivers....pretty special!
There are only 4 sources of this unique salt in Indonesia, 3 of them already closed - due to cheap imported salt taking over....
It has a special pure sea salt taste - without the microplastics that may be in Sea salts these days....!
High in Minerals and micros that were in the seas millions of years ago - A very worthy replacement in our eyes to the almightly Pink Himalayan Salt.....and. Its HERE in Indonesia ??"


Pure, local, and a marvel of Indonesia that is a sustainable replacement (beside the color), in any use to Himalayan Salt. Has a high mineral content and is supporting local farmers!
This unique volcanic sea salt, crystalised in huge naturally formed salt mines millions of years ago, is harvested in rice fields with bamboo after it has travelled through a Volcanic mountain and down the rivers....pretty special!
There are only 4 sources of this unique salt in Indonesia, 3 of them already closed - due to cheap imported salt taking over....
It has a special pure sea salt taste - without the microplastics that may be in Sea salts these days....!
High in Minerals and micros that were in the seas millions of years ago - A very worthy replacement in our eyes to the almightly Pink Himalayan Salt.....and. Its HERE in Indonesia ??"


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