//// Copolla Passata Sieved Tomatoes 350gr – Alive Wholefoods
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Copolla Passata Sieved Tomatoes 350gr

Rp 43.000

Product Information

Coppola Passata is made from 100% Italian fresh tomatoes, grown and packed in sunny southern Italy. These tomatoes are sieved...Read more

Product Information Detail

Coppola Passata is made from 100% Italian fresh tomatoes, grown and packed in sunny southern Italy. These tomatoes are sieved and then cooked at a low temperature into a smooth sauce with a rich texture and bright red colour.



Coppola Passata is made from 100% Italian fresh tomatoes, grown and packed in sunny southern Italy. These tomatoes are sieved and then cooked at a low temperature into a smooth sauce with a rich texture and bright red colour.



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